Sunday, April 8, 2012



                   Sundarban is the “beautiful forest” in the Bengali language .It means shundor”beautiful” and ban,”Forest”The name may have been ferived from the sundry trees that are found in sundsrbans in large numbers.Alternatively,it has been proposed that the name is a corruption of samudraban or Chandra –bandhe,But the generally  accepted view is the one associated with sundry trees.

                     A ruin of a city built by ChanSadagar has been foundintheBag Mara Forest Block.During the Munhall period,the Munhall Kingsleased the forests of the Sundarbans to nearbyresidents.Many criminalstook refuge in the Sundarbans from the advancing armies of Emperor Akbar.Many have been known to be attacked by Tigers Many of the buildings which were built by them later fell to hands of Portuguese pirates.Evidence of the fact can be traced  from the ruins at netidhopani and other places scattered all over Sundarbans.The legal status of the forests underwent a series of  Changes,including the distinction of being the first mangrove forest, including the distinction of being the first Mangrove Forest in the world to be brought under scientific management.The area was mapped first in Persian,by the surveyor general as early as 1764 following soon after proprietary rights were confiscated from the Mughal Emperor alamgir by the British East India Company in 1757.As the ritish had no wxpertise or adaptation experience in mangrove forests.Syatematic management of this forest tract started in the 1860s after the establishment of a Forest Department in the Province of Bengal,in British India.the management was entirely designed to extract whatever treasures were available,but labor and lower management mostly were staffed by locals.

  The first Forest Management Division to have jurisdiction over the Sundarbans was established in 1869. In 1875 a large portion of the mangrove forests was declared as reserved forests in 1875-76 under the Forest the remaining portion of the forests were declared a reserve forest the following year and the forest, which was so far administered by the civil administration district, was placed under the control of the Forest Department. A Forest Division, which is the Forest management and administration unit, was created in 1879 with the headquarter in Khulna, Bangladesh.This first management plan was written was for the period 1893-98.

                It was described as a tract of waste country which had never been surveyed,nor had the census been extended to it in 1911.It then stretched for about 165 miles from the mouth of the Hugely to the mouth for the Meghna river and was bordered inland by the three settled districts of the 24 parganas,khulna and Bakerganj.The total area was estimated at 6,526 square miles. It was a water-logged jungle,in which tigers and other wild beasts abounded.Attempts at reclamation had not been very successful.The Sundarbans was everywhere intersected byriver channels and creeks,some of which afforded water communication throughout the Bengal region both for steamers and for native boat.

                             This image satellite shows the forest in the protected area. The sundarbans appears deep green, towns, which appertain, and strums, which are blue. The mangrove-dominated Ganges Delte-the Sundarbans-is a complex ecosystem comprising one of the there largest single tracts of mangrove forests of the world. Situated mostly in Bangladesh, a small portion of it lies in India. The India part of the forest is estimated to be about 19%, while the Bangladesh part is 81%. To the south the forest meets the Bay of Bengal; to the east it is bordered by the Bales war River and to the North there is a sharp interface with intensively cultivated land. The natural drainage in the upstream areas, other then the main river channels, is everywhere impeded by extensive embankments and polders. The Sundarbans was originally measured to be of    about 16,700 km². Now it has dwindled into about 1/3 of the original size. Small streams and caccccnals. Rivers in the Sundarbans are meeting places of salt water and freshwater. Thus, it is a region of transition between the freshwater of the rivers originating from the Ganges and the saline water of the Bay of Bengal.

                       The mangrove –dominated Ganges   delta-the sun dorbans-is a complex ecosystem comprising one of the three largest.The mangrove forests of the world.  Situated mostly in Bangladesh,a small poration of it lies in India.The India part of the forest is estimated to be about 19%,while the Banglades part is 81. To the south the forest meets the Bay of Bengal;to the east it is bordered by the Bales war River and to the north there is a sharp interface with intensively cultivated land.The natural drainage in the upstream areas,other than the main river channels,is    everywhere impeded by extensive embankments and polders.The sundarbans was originally measured to be of about 16,700k.m.    Now it has dwindled into about 1/3 of the original size.The total land area today is 4,143 km and remaining water area of 1874 k.m encompasses rivers.small stremars and canals.River in the Sundarbans are meeting places of salf water and fresh water. Thus,it is a region of transition between the freshwater of the rivers originating from the Ganges and the saline water of the Bay of Bengal.  See also Tiger attacks in the Sundarbans.A Royal Bengal tiger in sundarban.Blue –eared Kingfisher sifhted in the sundarbans.  

                                The forest is  also rich in bird life,with 170 species including the  endemic Brown-winged Kingfishers and the globally threatened Lesser Adjutants and Masked Fin foots and birds of prey such as the ospreys white-bellied sea Eagles and Grey-heads Fish-Eagles. The sandaracs was designated a Ramseur site on May 21,1992,Some of the more popular birds found in this region are Open Billed Storks, Black-headed Ibis, Water Hens,Coots,Pheasant-tailed Jacanas, Pariah Kites,Brahminy Kites,Marsh Harriers,Swamp Partridges,Red Junglefowls,Spotted Doves,Common Mynahs,Jungle crows,Jungle Babblers,Cotton Tealsaherring Gulls,Caspian Terns,Gray Herons,and varity birds.A crocodile at the Sundarbans National Park house an excellent number of reptiles as well.Some of the commom  ones are olive Ridley urtles,sea snakes,Dog Faced water snakes,Green Turtles,Hard shelled Batgun Terrapins,Russels vipers,Mouse Ghekos,Monitor Lizards,Curviers,Hawks Bill Turtles,Pythons,Common kraitsChequered Killbacks and rat Snakes.Sundarbans mangroves including Sundarbans National Park and Sajinakhali Wildlife Sanctuary,Sundarbans East,Char Kukri-Mulri,Sundarbans South and Sundarbans West Wildlife Sanctuaries in Bangladesh.



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