Friday, April 6, 2012



               A distict name is Bandar ban in South-Eastern Bangladesh,and a part of the Chittagong Division and Chittagong Hill Tracts.Banddarbanmeans’ dam of monkeys’. Sky and clouds are here. It is filled with greenhills,fountains and small waterfalls. R you want to make exciting    experiencethenvisit this unique hill track in Chittagong region. The highest peak of Bangladesh, watches the sun rise from the flat top Tiger Hand visit the Golden Temple of the Buddhist.          

The Most Beautiful palce in Boga Lake,Buddha Dhatu Jade,Chibouk   Hill and Tribal villages,Keokradong,Meghan and Nilachal,Marina Parjatan,Nafakhum and Rem akri,Nigeria and Thanchi,Prantik Lake,Rijuk Waterfall,Sangu River,Shoilo Prop at,Tajingdong,Up-bow parjatan,Raja Vicar and Juniper Bihar.Boga Lake is the most beauifull   Lake in Bangladesh.This is the only Hill-lake of Bangladesh.Yhere are many tourists make their way to Boga Lakeevery year,most in the winter season.You will definitely be amazed l00king at the Boga Lake.If you can made a camp free the lake side that will be unbelievable and mind blowing moment in your whole life.   

            Chimbuk hill is one of the High peaks in Bangladesh.This is third highest mountsin in Bangladesh.The road is zifzag on this area.This is beautiful place.However when you are looking down from Chimbuk,you will get amazing feeling of floating over the clouds.It’s a Great Feelings.The Second  Hifhest Peak of Mountain o of Bangladesh.This all area is filling of natural beauty.Here you can see many small and big mountains and hills.Marina is wonderful place in Lama.This is a fantastic LockNafakhum is one of the most beautiful places Bangladesh.There are most beautiful waterfalls @ excellent place in Bangladesh.Amazing view of the waterfall during this time.

     Nigeria so beautiful place in Bangladesh any one wanted to journey the Adventure then most go there.It’s also beautiful    place.It’s a nice place you can enjoy a cloudy experience.You can also enjoy the serpentine course of Sangu River.Prantik Lake   is really beautiful place in Bandar ban.This lake is surrouounded by much kind of plants and trees and birds.Pure natural view.In   this place creating a unique beauty of nature.   This lake is surrounded many kinds of plant.You can go there any time but during the rainy season you will see the most attractive glance of this fall.Very nice and huge waterfall with awesome natural beauty.This river is complete part of the natural beauty.All the way you will be thrilled only and it is simply amazing.Sheila property is the icon of Nataural view.  

.                Abingdon is the highest mountain of Bangladesh.Great hill with Wild view According to nature.Up=bow Parjatan is another beautiful Place in Bandar ban at Naikhongchari.It is wonderdul gift of nature.Here is amazing lake surrounded by forest.

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